The activities of people with the “Enterprise Architect” title varies from organization to organization so we partnered with Architecture and Governance Magazine in a recent survey to learn more about the role of the EA today. The survey covered how EAs spend their time, who they report to, and how they are organized within their company.
In this Executive Brief overview we have identified four distinguishing traits of strategic enterprise architecture teams and offer six key recommendations that will have significant impact on both the value and longevity of your enterprise architecture efforts.
Sign up to read a summary of the survey data in this Executive Brief and start your journey to become a more strategic enterprise architect.
The activities of people with the “Enterprise Architect” title varies from organization to organization so we partnered with Architecture and Governance Magazine in a recent survey to learn more about the role of the EA today. The survey covered how EAs spend their time, who they report to, and how they are organized within their company.
In this Executive Brief overview we have identified four key traits of strategic enterprise architecture teams and offer six key recommendations that will have significant impact on both the value and longevity of your enterprise architecture efforts.
Sign up to read a summary of the survey data in this Executive Brief and start your journey to become a more strategic enterprise architect.