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How a “Project Mentality” can Fail you in Telecommunications

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How a “Project Mentality” can Fail you in Telecommunications

How a “Project Mentality” can Fail you in Telecommunications

Making the shift from project to product

Few industries have been disrupted by consumer demand as much as telecommunications. For the market leaders, there’s constant pressure to stay at the forefront of innovation and rapid delivery of digital products that delight customers.

Organizations are making the shift from project to product to keep pace with the disruption that continues to accelerate in telecom.

This e-book highlights:
  • What transitioning from project to product means
  • Why telecommunications needs to adopt a product mentality to keep pace with digital disruptors
  • Examples of three common scenarios in telecommunications that went wrong
  • Why adopting the Flow Framework® is a key step in your project to product journey

Making the shift from project to product

Few industries have been disrupted by consumer demand as much as telecommunications. For the market leaders, there’s constant pressure to stay at the forefront of innovation and rapid delivery of digital products that delight customers.

Organizations are making the shift from project to product to keep pace with the disruption that continues to accelerate in telecom.

This e-book highlights:
  • What transitioning from project to product means
  • Why telecommunications needs to adopt a product mentality to keep pace with digital disruptors
  • Examples of three common scenarios in telecommunications that went wrong
  • Why adopting the Flow Framework® is a key step in your project to product journey