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Outcomes over Outputs

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Outcomes over Outputs

Outcomes over Outputs

How the PMO can enable strategic success

If a PMO is going to deliver value to the business - and it needs to, then it must enable strategic success. That means focusing on the ability to achieve business outcomes, not just project outputsBut that can’t happen unless the PMO is recognized by business leaders as a critical part of strategy delivery 

In the second of our webinar series on elevating the PMO, Planview’s Dave Blumhorst will be joined by industry expert Andy Jordan to discuss how to achieve this level of success consistentlyAmong other topics they’ll cover: 
  • How to ensure PMO value generation is recognized by leadership 
  • How to evolve PMO functions from department to enterprise and strategic levels 
  • How to ensure projects and related work are enabling outcomes, not just delivering objectives 
Get registered for the live event and invite colleagues! If you have a question to submit in advance, feel free to use the form.  
If a PMO is going to deliver value to the business - and it needs to, then it must enable strategic success. That means focusing on the ability to achieve business outcomes, not just project outputsBut that can’t happen unless the PMO is recognized by business leaders as a critical part of strategy delivery 

In the second of our webinar series on elevating the PMO, Planview’s Dave Blumhorst will be joined by industry expert Andy Jordan to discuss how to achieve this level of success consistentlyAmong other topics they’ll cover: 
  • How to ensure PMO value generation is recognized by leadership 
  • How to evolve PMO functions from department to enterprise and strategic levels 
  • How to ensure projects and related work are enabling outcomes, not just delivering objectives 
Get registered for the live event and invite colleagues! If you have a question to submit in advance, feel free to use the form.  
  • Date


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  • Duration

    45 min plus live Q&A

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Meet our speakers

  • Dave Blumhorst

    Sr. Customer Success Strategist, Planview

    Dave Blumhorst is Sr. Customer Success Strategist at Planview, where he is aligned to several products in the PPM and PSA space. Dave is an experienced technology executive that has served in a variety of roles throughout his career. These include running Products and collaborating with Marketing and Sales, as well as serving as VP of Professional Services organizations. Dave managed and consulted to PMO departments at Fortune 1000 companies, led the IT-PMO at PeopleSoft, served as CIO at mid-size companies, and managed Finance at startups through mid-market firms. Dave has made a career out of combining his business and technology experience to create high-tech solutions to business problems.

  • Andy Jordan

    President, Roffensian Consulting S.A.

    Andy Jordan is President of Roffensian Consulting S.A., a Roatan, Honduras-based management consulting firm with a strong emphasis on organizational transformation, portfolio management and PMOs. Andy is an in-demand speaker and author who delivers thought-provoking content in an engaging and entertaining style, and is also an instructor in project management-related disciplines including PMO and portfolio management courses on LinkedIn Learning.

  • Jeff Ellerbee

    Solution Marketing Manager, Planview

    Jeff handles product marketing for Planviews’ Troux product line. Jeff has helped customers be successful with Troux in the US and UK for 14 years.

  • Jeff Ellerbee

    Solution Marketing Manager, Planview

    Jeff handles product marketing for Planviews’ Troux product line. Jeff has helped customers be successful with Troux in the US and UK for 14 years.