On Demand
On Demand
45 min plus live Q&A
Jeff handles product marketing for Planviews’ Troux product line. Jeff has helped customers be successful with Troux in the US and UK for 14 years.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is just around the corner – how ready is your organisation in meeting the timeline?
To establish your programme, you will need a crossfunctional data governance team that includes everyone responsible for GDPR compliance across your organisation. At the highest level, this includes Legal, Data Privacy, Compliance, Marketing, IT Security and Risk Management, Enterprise Architecture, and often the enterprise programme management office (EPMO).
This team will define the policies, support data mapping and assessment, evaluate business impact and establish where you are using information that is subject to GDPR and for what purpose.
Join the second of our series of GDPR webinars which will focus on the common business questions being asked by these different stakeholders in responding to GDPR and how the Planview solution can support answering them in a sustainable way.
Time to get prepared, be ready.