Ask Me Anything with Dr. Mik Kersten

Ask Me Anything with Dr. Mik Kersten
flow framework

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flow framework
In the five years since the publication of Dr. Mik Kersten’s best-selling book Project to Product, the urgency to realize value from transformation efforts has only increased.

Earlier this year, the 2023 Project to Product State of the Industry Report was released to shed light on how the industry is tracking in the shift from project to product and which attributes are critical for success.

Based on insights derived from 3,600 value streams and 326 survey responses, findings show that an astounding 92% of organizations are still struggling to operationalize the shift and are left with questions about how to navigate the path forward.

In this on-demand Ask Me Anything session Planview CTO, Dr. Mik Kersten, answers these questions and more:
  • How do I begin implementing the seven dimensions of change required for the project to product shift?
  • How can I leverage Flow Metrics for improved efficiency and time-to-market?
  • What steps can I take to create an effective product management function?

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