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Maximizing Impact: Aligning PMO and Engineering Teams to Deliver More on Time and on Budget

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Maximizing Impact: Aligning PMO and Engineering Teams to Deliver More on Time and on Budget

Maximizing Impact: Aligning PMO and Engineering Teams to Deliver More on Time and on Budget

Strategies for Streamlining Planning to Execution

Despite shared goals of delivering on time, within budget, and in alignment with strategy, hidden inefficiencies present significant challenges for software engineering and PMO teams. From capacity constraints to shifting priorities and governance complexities, each obstacle contributes to a labyrinth of waste, resulting in delays, budget overruns, and misalignment.

However, by gaining real-time visibility, aligning objectives across teams, and adopting a unified set of performance metrics, organizations can achieve efficient strategy execution, transforming it from an ambitious aspiration into an attainable reality.

In this webinar, Planview GVPs of Product Management, Alan Manuel and Marcus Klein, will explore the common challenges faced by PMO and engineering leaders, providing actionable strategies to foster alignment and efficiency throughout your organization's strategy execution.

Key Takeaways Include:
  • Strategies for aligning objectives and metrics between engineering and PMO teams
  • Methods to gain real-time visibility and transparency across project and product lifecycles
  • Practical solutions to mitigate waste, preventing bottlenecks, and improving delivery timelines
  • Insights into fostering a culture of collaboration and communication between departments

Despite shared goals of delivering on time, within budget, and in alignment with strategy, hidden inefficiencies present significant challenges for software engineering and PMO teams. From capacity constraints to shifting priorities and governance complexities, each obstacle contributes to a labyrinth of waste, resulting in delays, budget overruns, and misalignment.

However, by gaining real-time visibility, aligning objectives across teams, and adopting a unified set of performance metrics, organizations can achieve efficient strategy execution, transforming it from an ambitious aspiration into an attainable reality.

In this webinar, Planview GVPs of Product Management, Alan Manuel and Marcus Klein, will explore the common challenges faced by PMO and engineering leaders, providing actionable strategies to foster alignment and efficiency throughout your organization's strategy execution.

Key Takeaways Include:
  • Strategies for aligning objectives and metrics between engineering and PMO teams
  • Methods to gain real-time visibility and transparency across project and product lifecycles
  • Practical solutions to mitigate waste, preventing bottlenecks, and improving delivery timelines
  • Insights into fostering a culture of collaboration and communication between departments

  • Date


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  • Duration

    30 min + Q&A

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Meet our speakers

  • Alan Manuel

    GVP of Product Management, Planview

    Alan Manuel is responsible for value stream management and AI products at Planview.  He was previously CPO at Tasktop, CPO and CMO at Protera, GM at Apttus, Cloud VP at IBM, co-founder of a pioneering digital media company, and senior technical leader at Oracle.  He is an entrepreneur, evangelist and growth exec building enterprise B2B cloud businesses leading to successful customer and shareholder outcomes. He holds an undergraduate Computer Science degree from MIT and an MBA from INSEAD.

  • Marcus Klein

    GVP of Product Management, Planview

    Marcus Klein is a Group VP of Product Management at Planview, focused on delivering innovative, market-leading Strategic Portfolio Management solutions. He collaborates daily with customers and prospects, and incorporates industry trends and market conditions to shape and lead product direction, develop offerings, and define functional solutions. Marcus' focus and key areas of expertise include portfolio management, product-focused planning and delivery, and connecting portfolio management with agile and collaborative solutions (including both ProjectPlace and AgilePlace).

  • Jeff Ellerbee

    Solution Marketing Manager, Planview

    Jeff handles product marketing for Planviews’ Troux product line. Jeff has helped customers be successful with Troux in the US and UK for 14 years.

  • Jeff Ellerbee

    Solution Marketing Manager, Planview

    Jeff handles product marketing for Planviews’ Troux product line. Jeff has helped customers be successful with Troux in the US and UK for 14 years.