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Connected Work


Upcoming Inner Circle

Join us for an interactive session where we explore Connected Work for PPM Pro. Currently PPM Pro has integrations with AgilePlace and ProjectPlace. We want to understand the different use cases and how our customers use these products together. The goal here is to find gaps and opportunities to improve how efficiently PPM Pro works with AgilePlace and ProjectPlace.

Registering for this inner circle will involve the following:
• Group sessions with our product team
• Gathering feedback and suggestions around features in the integrations.

Date: Tuesday, August 27th - attend either session listed below, content will be the same.
  • Session 1 Time: 4:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CET
  • Session 2 Time: 10:00AM CDT - 5:00PM CET
Stay tuned for meeting details coming to your inbox.

Join us for an interactive session where we explore Connected Work for PPM Pro. Currently PPM Pro has integrations with AgilePlace and ProjectPlace. We want to understand the different use cases and how our customers use these products together. The goal here is to find gaps and opportunities to improve how efficiently PPM Pro works with AgilePlace and ProjectPlace.

Registering for this inner circle will involve the following:
• Group sessions with our product team
• Gathering feedback and suggestions around features in the integrations.

Date: Tuesday, August 27th - attend either session listed below, content will be the same.
  • Session 1 Time: 4:00AM CDT - 10:00AM CET
  • Session 2 Time: 10:00AM CDT - 5:00PM CET
Stay tuned for meeting details coming to your inbox.